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Michelle Obama: Life After the White House Documentary Review!

If you're anything like me then, when times are crazy, you look for a bright spot to focus on. Lately, with the country reeling from the attempted insurrection and the transfer of power under threat of violence, I decided to take a look at something that would put a smile on my face. A few days ago I was made aware of the "Michelle Obama: Life After the White House" documentary and, being a lover of the #ForeverFlotus, I thought to myself, what better time to watch this film than right now!

"Life After the White House" gives viewers a recap (if they didn't read Mrs. Obama's memoir "Becoming") and brief background of who Mrs. Obama really is as a person. She candidly reflects on the challenges she faced growing up in a multigenerational home on the South Side of Chicago. She talks about the life lessons she and her brother learned from their working class parents and, what she really thought of Barrack Obama when she first met him.

"Life After the White House" shows you more of Michelle the woman, mother and public figure than we were afforded during her husband's presidency. The documentary features interviews and accounts from people who have spent time with Mrs. Obama, watching her through the eyes of the press and also those who have witnessed her beautiful friendship with former President George W. Bush.

Who can forget the "cough drop pass" seen around the world at Sen. John McCain's funeral?

That pass made those two even more relatable to church kids around the world who've had to sit through a long service and received a gift, passed by a friend, grandmother or mother, that smells oddly like the bottom of a purse. That mixture of perfume and purse lint. We relish in the memory but would prefer not to have that experience again.

"Life After the White House" also gives us a glimpse of what Mrs. Obama envisioned for the country and possibly what she's got planned for the future. You learn more of her reasoning behind having her mother Marian Robinson, known affectionately around the country as the First Grandmother, move into the White House to help with her daughters. It was so much more than "let's take grandma too" that the rest of the country realized. It was the safety and assurance that, even when you're working, you have a trusted confidant to keep a watchful eye on your growing children.

"Life After" doesn't gloss over the college days, there's talk of keggers and "somethin' somethin'" that most college kids experience as well. It was eight years of a picture perfect love, a wonderful family and zero scandal that even critics had to take note of. If you're a lover of the #ForeverFLOTUS then "Michelle Obama: Life After the White House" is a perfect viewing companion to her book "Becoming". Directed by Jordan Hill, Executive Produced by Dana Webber, ‘Michelle Obama: Life After The White House’ is distributed by Legacy Distribution.

The feature-length biography is now widely available, including Amazon Prime: If you've seen "Michelle Obama: Life After the White House" let's chat about it in the comments below!

Happy Viewing!


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