HIV Positive Michigan Man Charged with Raping 12-Year-Old Girl.

A Pontiac, Michigan man has been arrested and charged with allegedly raping a 12-year-old girl.
Sources say that on August 19, 2020 police were called to a home for the reports of a runaway child. When they arrived they found a 12-year-old girl. The girl's parents told officers their daughter was missing since 11:30 a.m. and feared she had been communicating with an older man she met through Snapchat, a social media app.
Dearborn police were able to locate the young girl around 5pm. after responding to a welfare check. The girl told officers she was there to meet up with her boyfriend. During the conversation with the officers, the girl told them she was 12 years old and had been having sexual relations with an older man. The girl said that she initially thought her "boyfriend" was 19 when they met over social media but, found out he was much "older" when she met him in person.
Investigators believe the man used Snapchat's location feature to pinpoint the girl's address. After that, police said, is when the two began engaging in sex and their relationship continued for several weeks.
Authorities said the suspect convinced the girl to run away with him and that's when Dearborn police found her.
Anthony Alvin Hodges, 35, is HIV positive and knowingly had an illegal sexual relationship with the young girl. Hodges has been charged with four counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, a count of second-degree criminal sexual conduct with a person under 13, two counts of knowingly engaging in intercourse with the intent of inflicting an uninformed partner and a count of being a habitual offender, officials said.
If convicted, he faces up to life for the first-degree criminal sexual conduct charge.
Parents, we know that our children to have some measure of freedom but, we've got to monitor who they're talking to on social media. Too many predators have access to our children these days and it's got to stop!