FOH! Cop Fired For Killing Breonna Taylor Wants His Job Back!

The officer who was fired for BLINDLY bursting into Breonna Taylor's home and killing her is now lobbying to get his job back.
Louisville, Kentucky Police Officer Brett Hankison was fired from his job just a little over a week ago for his part in the March 13th murder of Breonna Taylor. Hankison is accused by the department's interim chief, Robert Schroeder, of "blindly" firing 10 rounds into Taylor's apartment, creating a substantial danger of death and serious injury.
Oddly enough, the incident report filed for the shooting, while mostly BLANK, reported that Taylor had no injuries.
According to The Courier Journal, Louisville attorney David Leightty wrote Hankison's appeal that members of the public who are angry with America's 400-year history of racial oppression and horrified at George Floyd's death in Minneapolis "have pressured the mayor to take immediate action."

"The history of racial oppression is indeed angering, and what happened to Mr. Floyd is indeed horrifying," Leightty writes. "But to assume that the events at Ms. Taylor's apartment must be like those in the death of Mr. Floyd, or any other particular incident, is not justified."
Leightty said Hankison did not "blindly" fire his weapon and that the chief's decision to fire Hankison was "disproportionate and excessive."
And the appeal argues that the punishment was levied prematurely — pointing to ongoing criminal investigations and the lack of a completed internal Professional Standards Unit investigation into possible policies that were broken.
We previously reported that Hankison has also previously been accused of sexual assault.

Now, we're not saying that we don't want to hear all of the facts surrounding this case BUT what we are saying is. . . Breonna Taylor was at home in her own bed when the police burst in unannounced and shot and killed her. She was unarmed and minding her own business. They were in the wrong because the person they were looking for didn't live there and was also in custody somewhere else.
A millisecond of due diligence toward research could have avoided all of this and Breonna would still be alive. These types of ruthless killings by those who swore to protect and serve have gone on for far too long.
Thanks to the passing of "Breonna's Law" in Louisville, "No Knock" warrants are now illegal and can't be executed. If we can name a law after her, we can absolutely demand that ALL THREE of the responsible police officers be fired, arrested, charged and convicted.

We won't rest until Brett Hankinson, Jon Mattingly, and Myles Cosgrove are all serving time for murdering Breonna Taylor.