Florida Woman Forced to Deliver Her Own Baby on a Dirty Jail Cell Floor!

Tammy Jackson of Miami Gardens, Florida was arrested a few months ago early on in her pregnancy. Her mother,Shirley Nixon, who hadn't heard from her in a while, said that her daughter suffers from mental illness, mainly bipolar schizophrenia and had been homeless at the time of her arrest. Nixon had no idea when she got the call from the hospital to come pick up her new granddaughter the story that surrounded the infant's birth.
Witnesses told Local 10 News that Jackson's cries went unanswered in her isolation jail cell when she went into labor.

"They said they were in an area with other pregnant women, including 34-year-old Tammy Jackson, and were terrified by what they heard and saw, adding that someone should be held accountable.
"It was horrendous -- the worst experience ever. I hope I never ever hear or see anything like that ever again," one woman said.
"What happened was completely inhumane," another woman said.
Both former inmates, who will be referred to as witness 1 and 2, asked to remain anonymous. They both said they were housed with other pregnant women in April at the North Broward Bureau in Pompano Beach, where Jackson gave birth.
"The way it's set up, it's all glass, so you can see and hear everything," witness 1 said."
It's interesting how, at first, her mother couldn't see her because she was still under arrest and serving her sentence but miraculously she's out and able to be home with her baby!
There's an ongoing investigation into the "spontaneous birth" claims especially since other inmates recall Jackson screaming in pain for hours.
This brings up quite a few points that Black women on Twitter have been discussing for quite some time. More often than White women, Black women are not believed when they are in pain or need medical attention. Not just women who are incarcerated but women who have degrees, work in the medical field, school teachers, lawyers, Serena Williams AND BEYONCE'!
The baby girl, named Miranda Nixon, was full term and weighed a healthy 6 pounds 7 ounces. She's been placed in the care of her grandmother while her mother continues treatment to regain her health. This system of oppression has to stop. If this child hadn't survived her unassisted birth, the entire state of Florida would be facing charges.
Let's pray for our sister on her journey to health and motherhood.