Word on the Street: Beyonce' Gave Birth Earlier This Week!

The internet loves to make things up, speculate and come up with tons of conspiracy theories. However, in this case, all signs point to a STRONG possibility that Queen Bey did in fact give birth to the twins earlier this week!
Earlier this week there were reports from various hospital employees that Beyonce' had checked in and was in labor. There were rumors that they had cleared the maternity floor and that patients were being moved to other floors and some to other hospitals altogether. Reportedly, Beyonce's entourage was seen at the hospital at different times and there had been a lot of mysterious vehicles going into the underground parking garage. This all came on the heels of a story that said the couple had turned their home into a maternity ward so that she could give birth at home. Alleged decoys were also a part of this elaborate plot to have a peaceful home birth out of the public eye.
Today, a picture surfaced of a woman delivering flowers and balloons, one pink and one blue, to the hospital. The unknown woman walked out a short time later and was never seen again. What made this particular delivery mysterious, yet kind of confirms our theories, is that the card attached to the floral arrangement had the initials "B & J" clearly written on it.
Hmmm. . .
This is interesting considering just a few days ago, President Obama hinted at the fact that the babies were both girls.
via People:
“Jay and I are also fools for our daughters, although he’s going to have me beat once those twins show up,” he said, leading many to believe the latter part of the sentiment means Jay Z’s twins on the way with Beyoncé are both girls.
On Father's Day Beyonce's father, Mathew Knowles, released his own special announcement via his Instagram. See the announcement above!
The couple had been plagued with infertility problems before and after the birth of their first daughter, Blue Ivy, in January of 2012 so these are rainbow babies indeed! What ever the babies are, I pray that they're healthy and that their proud mama is too! I think it's officially time to congratulate the Carter's and to welcome Blue Ivy to big sisterhood!