Say Whaaaat? Demi, Are You OK? Are You OK Demi?

We haven't seen too much of Demi Moore lately and there just might be a good reason for it. In a recent interview with Jimmy Fallon, Moore revealed that she has lost her two front teeth due to stress. According to the Daily Mail UK, Moore who is 54 said:
"I sheared off my front teeth. I'd love to say it was skateboarding or something really kind of cool, but I think I think it's something that's important to share because I think it's literally, probably after heart disease, one of the biggest killers in in America, which is stress.She continued: 'Stress sheared off my front tooth. But, in an effort to get ready for you, I wanted to make sure my teeth were in."
She actually missing BOTH of her front teeth even though the picture shown on television only shows one! Moore said that her daughters (3 from her marriage to Bruce Willis back in the day) are a fan of the look but she gives all the credit to "modern dentistry" for preserving her signature smile. Take a look at the photo of her snaggle-toothed smile and watch the video below.