Mother Caught on Camera Ripping Her Toddler from Samaritan's Arms After "Falling Out" of a Moving Car.

A one-year-old baby girl is recovering this morning after a horrific incident last night.
South Florida Police got a call last night about a small child "falling out" or being tossed out of a moving vehicle. The child was picked up by witnesses at the scene. The child, who appeared injured, was held in a woman's arms as she made a frantic call for help. That's when surveillance cameras on nearby buildings caught another traumatic event.
The witness started calling police, but while she was on the phone, two cars pulled up. A man exited one vehicle and a woman exited another. The woman approached the witness and reached for the baby. The witness can be hear on video saying "I'm not giving you this baby" to which the woman replied "Gimme my baby" and snatched the child from the other woman's arms. That woman, identified as 29-year-old Tasshay Mills, the girl's mother, go in her vehicle without providing further information," police said.
Police found Mills and urged her to bring the child to a nearby hospital for treatment but she refused. Police then issued a missing child report for the baby and eventually found her just a few hours ago at an unspecified location and the girl was taken to Nicklaus Children's Hospital. The girl's condition was unknown.
"We're all very happy, very joyful, but we don’t know exactly what her injuries were and that’s why she's on her way to Nicklaus Children's Hospital," Hialeah Police spokesperson Scarlett Hernandez said.

Mills has a history with the police dating back a few years but she hasn't always been the aggressor. In 2020, she was convicted of punching her mother and launching at her with a kitchen knife.
However, recent records show Mills was a victim of domestic violence this past May after the father of her children stomped on her face. Mills requested and a judge granted for her ex to stay away from her family. The baby was placed in the custody of her grandmother. Mills' family members say that, regardless of what it looks like, she is a good mother and would never intentionally harm her children. They believe she is "just around the wrong people".
Mills was in custody, but no charges have been filed yet.