Houston Woman Beaten, Stabbed and Sexually Assaulted While Working Her Shift at a Laundromat!

This is a horrible case of biting the hand that feeds you. A Houston, Texas woman who was working the overnight shift at a laundromat was beaten, stabbed and sexually assaulted by a man she had once helped.
According to police, the violent attack happened just after midnight on Dec. 8 at a laundromat at 811 S. 75th Street in the Lawndale area. The victim, a single mother of two children, was working the overnight shift. Her cousin told ABC13 the doors were locked during those hours, so the suspect broke the glass doors to get in.
"He ran in there. He hit her and he said, 'Let's go to the restroom,'" she said. "He forced her to the restroom and that's where he took advantage of her and stabbed her."
"He's a homeless man and he would sleep there next to the Pizza Patron, which is next to the washateria. She said she would give him Cokes because she was just being nice. So, she never expected him to do this to her."
Police confirm they have witnesses. An employee said there is also surveillance video.
Police describe the suspect as only a Black male.
Victims of sexual crimes are not identified by new sources to protect their identity and privacy. Although not much is known about her, we do know that her physical injuries are healing but, she's going to need a lot of therapy and prayer for her mental injuries. Being attacked by someone you once helped and fed is traumatic!
Anyone with information about the case is urged to contact HPD's Special Victims Division at 713-308-1140 or Crime Stoppers.