5-Year-Old Launches Diversity Book Drive Because Characters in School Books "Don't Look Like Her".

An Indianapolis kindergartner is making big changes to the way people of color are represented in her school. It all began when 5-year-old Amor Coleman took notice of the books being offered at her school and noticed. . . not very many characters looked like her.
From then on, Amor sought to diversify the schools book collection so that all children would find themselves represented. Amor started off with a small goal of having 35 books added to the library but, that number was quickly reached and surpassed!
“It makes me really feel like we may give books out to different folks to allow them to find out about our historical past too,” Amor said. The youngster has collected books showcasing people from different cultures, skin tones and all different walks of life.
“With a view to construct a neighborhood that’s numerous and inclusive we have to begin with the youth. The youth ought to know this from a really younger age,”’ added Erica Scott, Amor’s mother.
How cool is it that this little one saw a need and decided to step in and fill the void. Amor's mother says that they plan on donating any surplus books to other schools to help diversify their libraries as well.
The book drive will proceed till mid-February and you can donate books by sending them to the Post Office Box down below.
P.O. Field
Amor C.
6401 Gateway Drive
Unit 531021
Indianapolis, IN