And It Don't Stop! Mo'Nique Is STILL At It!

This Mo'Nique drama has no end!! Earlier in the week Comedian and Actress Kym Whitley was a guest co-host on the morning talk show "The Real". "The Real" often discussed hot topics, celebrity news, and of course entertainment industry drama. . . Insert Mo'Nique here. . .
Listen, I love good drama HOWEVER, I'm waiting for this one to die off already! Watch the segment then prepare for the clap back!
I just love Tamera, that woman has such a good heart and wants to always see the good in people! Kym kept it light with her comments but still threw a pound of shade! Let's face it, we ALL know that one person who can't let some decade beef and butthurt go! Adrienne did come off two tons of judgmental and it was this segment that had Mo'Nique take to Twitter to defend herself!

Mo'Nique isn't one to Post and Delete either so these little gems were left for the entire world to see! Not only did she say it but she sent the message directly to their mentions! I know you thought I was done BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!
Mo'Nique didn't stop at Adrienne, she went for Kym too!

Kym has never been one to back down from an opportunity to shine so she warmed up her iPhone and snapped back in the cutest, most respectful, way possible!

Not the Whitley Shade!!! LOL!

Gotta love Kym Whitley and the way she chose to put her side of the beef to bed. Of course, after reading that last tweet of hers I had to go and compare their Twitter followers, mostly because ya know. . . petty.

Looks like Kym got the last laugh after all! Are y'all tired of this beef yet? Do you think there's more? Post your thoughts in the comments below!