Pass or Play: New Music from Janelle Monae "I Like That". [LISTEN]

Janelle Monae has hit us with some sweet sounds once again! This time, she's crooning a ballad called "I Like That". "I Like That" is an ode to liking your own quirks and things that make you unique. Check out these lyrics:
"I don't care what I look like but I feel good, better than amazing, better than I could
Told the whole world I'm the rhythm and the antidote
Take a different type of girl to to keep the whole world afloat
Cuz I'm crazy then I'm sexy then I'm cool
Little rough around the edges but I keep it smooth
I'm always left of center and that's right where I belong
I'm the random minor note you hear in major songs
And I like that. . ."
Now listen to the song.
Is this new song a Pass or Play for you? I'm actually feeling "I Like That"!