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Writer's pictureLoVetta Jenkins

Tangled Web: Young Woman Found Dead in Hotel Freezer and the World is Left with Questions.

Over the weekend the body of a 19-year old woman was found in the walk-in freezer of a Crowne Plaza Hotel. The young woman, identified as Kenneka Jenkins-Martin, had been attending a "hotel party" with her best friend, several associates and a few young men.

It was at first believed that Jenkins had gotten drunk and somehow managed to wander from the ninth floor, where the "party" was being held, to the basement and lock herself in the freezer but this story just wasn't ringing true. In an interview with the Chicago Tribune, Kenneka's mother stated that the police wouldn't even let her see her child for nearly four hours after they found her body.For a full detailed account of the story, click here.

Via AP:

"The woman’s mother, Tereasa Martin, told the Chicago Tribune that police told her Jenkins apparently let herself into the freezer while drunk.Martin said that if her daughter was drunk, she would have had difficulty opening the heavy freezer doors and would’ve realized she wasn’t entering an elevator or the hotel entrance"

I, wholeheartedly, stand with Ms. Martin, Kenneka's mother, there's absolutely no way that this story is plausible. Reports say that Kenneka was beaten, raped, murdered then placed in the walk-in freezer to cover up evidence.

To top it all off, there was a strange Facebook "Live" video that one of her "friends" posted while the whole ordeal was taking place and the entire mechanics of the video just seem off. Take a look.

This isn't even where the story takes a turn for the worst. Friends of everyone involved have taken to social media to point fingers, accuse and expose those who they felt were accomplices in the death of Kenneka. If you want to follow the paper trail, check the #KennekaJenkins tag on Twitter.

This post is from her alleged best friend:

One of the men accused of harming Kenneka sent out this statement:

Then there was this jewel found on Twitter.

And there you have it. The lesson we need to learn from this story is watch who you call a friend and we STILL have to teach boys that "NO MEANS NO". I'll keep reporting on this story as more details emerge but in the mean time, let's keep her family in our prayers.

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