Possible Confession Caught on Audio in the Suspicious "Gym Mat" Death of Kendrick Johnson.

The family of Kendrick Johnson has been living a nightmare for close to a decade and now, they just might be on the verge of justice. Kendrick Johnson, 17, was found dead in a rolled up gym mat at the Lowndes High School in Valdosta, Georgia. From the time his body was discovered, until this very day, the public has always thought that Johnson was murdered and that his school was covering it up.
Johnson's parents have had his body exhumed to perform additional autopsies three different times since his 2013 burial. They have met every roadblock that could be set in front of them but, they have never wavered in their pursuit of justice for their son.
Now, a possible break, Fox 5 Atlanta reports that earlier in March, Lowndes County Sheriff Ashley Paulk announced that officials were reopening the investigation and reevaluating the previously-sealed evidence.
And now, authorities say they have an audio recording of someone admitting to Johnson's death.
According to Paulk, it was Kendrick Johnson's mother, Jackie Johnson, who obtained the recording and turned it in to investigators.
"They had a recording that they actually purchased from someone who said that it would be valuable as far as saying who possibly had committed the crime and change their situation," Paulk said.
The sheriff said investigators are working to verify the recording and how the individual received the information in order to "follow the chain of custody.
"If it's a hoax, it's a very, very cruel hoax to do to Mrs. Johnson," he said.
The sheriff says his office will not be releasing the audio recording at this time.
We've been following this case professionally since 2018 when this blog began but personally since the world first learned of his death. As a mother, it's hard to hear about someone losing their child but even more horrific to know they lost their child to violence.
There is no way that Kendrick Johnson fell into a rolled up gym mat trying to retrieve a pair of shoes. He was found head down and his shoes were found close to his legs, as if they were tossed into the mat after he fell in. Also, there's the part where the camera footage is missing from inside and outside of the gym around the time of his death.
There are too many missing pieces here and, even though there are unknown variables, we do know that Kendrick Johnson's death was not an accident. It was murder.
We're praying that this family receives justice for the loss of their son SOON!