#FeelGoodNews "Daddy Dressed Me", Father Sews Fashions for His Daughter.

There's nothing more awesome than the bond between a father and his daughter. This father-daughter story is one that not only made our hearts smile but, made us want to bust out our sewing machines!
Michael Gardner is probably the coolest dad on the block. In 2014 Gardner, a life-long D.I.Y enthusiast, started sewing clothes for his young daughter Ava. He said his main goal was to help Ava build her self-esteem and establish confidence in herself and her abilities.

Speaking of self-esteem, Gardner, who's completely self taught, sews the clothes and Ava is his own personal model. The pair have collaborated on more than 200 fashion pieces since they began.
From his love of sewing, and his love for his daughter, Gardner developed “Daddy Dressed Me,” a social media campaign that encourages other dads to help their daughters build self-esteem and confidence through fashion as well. Gardner began the @daddydressedmebymg Instagram account when Ava was just 3 years old and has over 15k followers!
Gardner says that "Being a Father is my most important responsibility and what I am most proud of in life. It is a blessing to be able to combine my journey of fatherhood with my love of creativity while creating memories with my child."
This is some of the most adorable "Feel Good News" we've ever reported. This dad is definitely doing the fatherhood thing right!