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Minnesota Woman Rams Speeding Car into Her Boyfriend While on Their Way to Couple's Therapy.

Veronica Roleen Gast (Otter Tail (Minn.) Detention Facility).

We don't know any couple in the history of relationships that has never had a disagreement, We can also say we believe more than half of the world's couples have had a "heated" argument. What we can't say is that we've heard a story like this one on too many occasions!

Veronica Roleen Gast, 30, faces second-degree assault charges, after a heated argument with her partner almost ended in him being killed.

According to Law & Crime, police say Gast and the man both said that they spent the morning intensely arguing and that they were in the car on the way to therapy when things hit a fever pitch. But that’s where the stories started to diverge.

Gast’s alleged victim said when he told the woman their relationship was over, she “stopped her car in the traffic lane” and then he got out of the car. Records show he told police that he had asked her to take him back home and she allegedly refused. The man told Minnesota authorities that he obliged, got out of the car and started to cross in front of it as he made his way to a sidewalk.

But as he crossed in front of the vehicle, he and Gast caught each other’s eyes, the man said.

Momentarily, he said, they locked eyes, “like you would with a bus driver” as they crossed paths in traffic. The man said she then abruptly hit the gas and “floored” it.

Gast says that she didn't see the victim attempting to cross the street in front of her and that she was meerly driving away. That was until she was pressed further. Eventually she caved and gave up the real story.

“The defendant admitted that as she was pulling away, she hit the victim with her vehicle. The defendant said she slowed down and stopped to call the police. The defendant said she was in shock at hitting the victim, so she did not stop right away, but let off the gas,” a police report states.

Gast holds to her part of the story where she says she never "locked eyes" with the victim.

The male victim says that when he was struck by the vehicle, he turned his body and rolled over the windshield. Crashing it with his elbow. Gast says that he punched the windshield and that's how it cracked. Officers on the scene notices injuries on the man consistent with his side of the story.

Gast is also charged with criminal vehicular operation – bodily harm, gross negligence, and domestic assault.

After being together for just one year, and cohabitating, this relationship has come to a rocky, but necessary, end.


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