Lakewood Church Shooter Identified as 36-Year-Old Woman Who Allegedly Had the Words "Free Palestine" on Her Gun.
A woman who went into a church with a gun, injured people and died at the hands of police has been identified.
Yesterday we reported that Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church at the time there were little to no details only that the shooter was a woman and she was believed to be dead. Now, we know much more about the horrible incident. The shooter, identified as Genesse Ivonne Moreno, 36, of Conroe, walked into the mega church holding an AR-15 rifle and accompanied by a little boy.
Moreno shot a man and told church goers that she had a bomb. Witnesses on the scene also stated that Moreno's weapon had the words "Free Palestine" written on it. According to Click2Houston, an off-duty Houston Police Department officer and a Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission officer engaged with the suspect, according to Houston Police Chief Troy Finner. The suspect reportedly told the officers they had a bomb.
Witnesses say that Moreno fired as many as 12 shots during the incident before officers were able to stop her.
One of the officers said they saw the suspect in possession of a “yellow in color rope and substances consistent with the manufacture of explosive devices, which appeared to be a detonation cord.” Investigators have not been able to determine whether Moreno’s threat of having a bomb was credible.
When Moreno pointed their weapon at the first responding officers, they shot and killed Moreno in self-defense, according to the document.
Pastor Joel Osteen said a 5-year-old boy was shot and another man was struck in the leg during the shooting. It is unknown who shot the child. This is believed to be the same child that entered the church with Moreno. His relationship to her is unknown. He was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition.
Investigators are still piecing together evidence but say that they have no clear motive as to why Moreno would do this.