8th Grade Teacher Under Investigation After Encouraging Students to "Write Something Funny"
A New York eighth grade teacher is under investigation after one student's grandmother raised the red flags on a homework assignment. The grandmother states that her granddaughter came home with an assignment, given to her by her teacher Ms. Shelly Scully, to "write anything 'funny'" underneath pictures of slaves.
The child's grandmother said that her granddaughter's friend refused to do the assignment and that her grandchild was upset about the "racist teacher".
Scully instructed the children to give each photo a title and then caption it with something "funny". Although some decided to take the zero for the lesson, several of the students in the classroom did do the assignment with one of them titling the assignment #IHateThis.
Take a look.
From the looks of it, the whole assignment, while the language is accurate for the era, is disturbing!
Scully did issue an apology saying in part " It is with the deepest sense of respect that I apologize to the students, families and larger Freeport community for my insensitive words and actions last week. . .
As a teacher and fellow member of this school community, it is my responsibility to exercise the highest degree of care and thought in all of my student and staff interactions. I failed to do so last week, and I fully accept that I must work hard to rebuild trust from my students, colleagues and the community."
As a parent, I would have told my child not to do the assignment and been at the school before the sun rose!
How would you have handled this situation?