Heads Would Roll! Infant Violently Ripped From His Mother's Arms at NY SNAP Center. [WATCH]

A New York woman is in jail after being arrested for blocking a walkway! The back-story goes that 23-year-old Jazmine Headley was at her local SNAP (food assistance) office and it was so crowded that she couldn't find a seat. The young mother sat, with her 1-year-old son in her arms, on the floor for rest. When she was asked to move, she didn't because there was no where for her to move to.
Of course, because this is the day and age that we live in, the cops were called on her and a violent exchange ensued!
It all started when the officers arrived and tried to take Headley's baby from her arms, Like any mother, Headley held onto her son and wouldn't let him go, especially since she felt she hadn't done anything wrong.
A HORRIBLE tug of war began with the officers trying to subdue Headley and another officer trying to rip, yank and violently wiggle the infant from Headley's arms!
"Nyasia Ferguson took the video and confirms that both Headley and her son were not blocking any doors or passageways.
When security guards ordered Headley to stand, Eyewitness News is told the mother refused, because there were no seats, and she had her baby. A supervisor was called - and then police.
"She called five other security guards. All harassing her, bothering her. Everyone...was like 'leave the girl alone, she's not bothering anyone, just sitting there like all day,' they kept harassing her," Feguson said. We want to warn you, it is very disturbing.
ABC News 7 caught up with Ms. Headley's mother who told them "I was devastated to see something like that happen to my daughter and grandson. And how this officer yanking on my grandson to get him out of my daughter's arms," said Headley's mother, Jacqueline Jenkins. Jenkins is livid. She says Headley is now in jail, and is barred from seeing her own son, Damone."
According to Headley's mother she had gone to the office for a daycare voucher for her son. She was starting a new job and needed someone to care for him while she worked. Now, she's behind bars, unable to work and unable to see her son who she was trying to earn an honest living for.
"I was just so disgusted and scared. I thought the cops supposed to help you - they just straight up came and attacked the lady," Ferguson added.
The entire community is outraged calling for any and all charges against her to be dropped. It gets worse though. The "Brooklyn District Attorney's Office said Monday it is not seeking bail in the case. However, authorities say she has an outstanding warrant in Mercer County, New Jersey, and that they will attempt to expedite her release to authorities there or ask them to rescind their warrant.
"Our office is conducting an independent investigation into this troubling case, and we are in the process of reviewing all available videos and interviewing witnesses with the intention of reaching a swift decision," a spokesperson said. "We did not request any bail, and Ms. Headley's hold is in connection with a warrant from New Jersey. We are reaching out to authorities in that state to expedite her release."
We sincerely hope that they get to the bottom of this case and that justice is served. I don't care what happened before the video started, you do NOT rip a child away from his mother like this!