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Bishop Charles Ellis III Issues an Apology to Ariana Grande. Watch What Happened and See for Yoursel

If you were one of the millions who viewed Aretha Franklin's Homegoing Celebration yesterday, then you already know why the Church Mothers were at the ready when it came to Ariana Grande. That poor baby's dress was NOT event appropriate. She looked amazing however, her stylist (or a really close friend), should have told her what appropriate "fune" attire was.

After Grande sang "Natural Woman", Bishop Charles Ellis III, who officiated the service, called her over to him, put his arm around her and made a "Dad joke" about her last name. Watch.

Yeah, the internet went WILD because of Bishop's hand placement!

Listen, I'm only 5 feet tall and when taller people put their arm around me, it's GOING to land somewhere it probably shouldn't. It's happened to me countless times at concerts, events, meet and greets and yes, at church.

After the vitrual backlash, Bishop Ellis III, gave a public apology.

Via AP:

“It would never be my intention to touch any woman’s breast. ... I don’t know I guess I put my arm around her,” Ellis said. “Maybe I crossed the border, maybe I was too friendly or familiar but again, I apologize.”

He said he hugged all the performers during Friday’s eight-hour service.

“I hug all the female artists and the male artists,” Ellis said. “Everybody that was up, I shook their hands and hugged them. That’s what we are all about in the church. We are all about love.”

He added: “The last thing I want to do is to be a distraction to this day. This is all about Aretha Franklin.”

Ellis also apologized to Grande, her fans and Hispanic community for making a joke about seeing her name on the program and thinking it was a new item on the Taco Bell menu.

“I personally and sincerely apologize to Ariana and to her fans and to the whole Hispanic community,” Ellis said.

“When you’re doing a program for nine hours you try to keep it lively, you try to insert some jokes here and there.”

I get it, I've been in super long church services before where things are so heavy someone throws out an off-handed joke to "lighten things up". It was a whirlwind day for everyone who spoke or sang and in the interest of adding comic-relief, Bishop Ellis III threw a curve ball that landed wrong. His apology is sufficient and I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it, do you?

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