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SAY WHAAAAT?!?! Georgia Mother Sentenced to 20 Years for Allowing Men to Rape Her Daughters!

Writer's picture: LoVetta JenkinsLoVetta Jenkins

I've always thought it but, never said it out loud until now. . . some people should NOT be parents! There. I said it and after reading this, you'll be thinking it too!

A Georgia woman was convicted of pimping out her daughters, ages 5 and 6-years-old, to more than one man.

Morgan Summerlin, 25, was sentenced to 20 years in prison with 10 more on probation. She is not eligible for parole, according to the prosecutor. Summerlin faced 140 years in prison.

Summerlin pleaded guilty in Fulton Superior Court in May.

As she was led out of the courtroom and to a jail cell, Summerlin blew kisses to family members who sat and watched the sentencing. A few minutes earlier, the woman’s grandfather told a judge there had been an additional incident involving a 12-year-old family member – which prosecutors said was similar to the two child rape cases. But they declined to describe it in detail in public.

It was enough, though, for Judge Constance Russell to sentence Summerlin. Her defense attorney said the defendant was herself sexually exploited and attacked as a child – hinting at a continuing cycle of abuse.

The two children told adults that their mother often took them to the home of 78-year-old Richard Office, known to them as "Pop", who would touch them inappropriately and kiss them. The girls admitted that Office raped one of them and had the other "rub his feet".

At the end of every heinous visit to his home, Office would give each girl $100 that they in turn gave to their mother.

Office was convicted of rape, child molestation and trafficking (among other charges) and was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 146 years.

Another man was also implicated in this case. Alfredo Trejo was convicted of similar crimes and sentenced to 25 years in prison and life on parole.

The list of responsible adults doesn't stop there. The GRANDMOTHER of the girls was arrested! She plead guilty to "cruelty to children in the second degree for knowing they were being sexually abused and not protecting them. She was sentenced to five years but one was commuted to the time she had already served and the rest is being served through probation."

I'm sincerely hoping that these children are in therapy and in the custody of responsible loving adults. This is one of the worst crimes a parent can commit against children and, in my opinion, the punishment she received just isn't enough.

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