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Writer's pictureLoVetta Jenkins

Ohio Cop Caught on Video Kicking Handcuffed Suspect in the Head. [WATCH]

In today's climate when EVERYTHING is being video recorded at any given time of the day, one would think that folks would be on their best behavior. Especially the police. That wasn't the case for a Franklin County, Ohio police officer who was caught on video kicking a handcuffed teen in the head.

Via NBC4:

"The suspect in the twitter video is 18-year-old Anthony Foster Jr.

Foster’s mother, Nicki Sammons, is talking exclusively with NBC 4 Investigator Tom Sussi.

Sammons told Sussi that both officers should be fired and prosecuted.

I think both of those cops, their badges should be taken, They shouldn't be able to work or go to another law enforcement place or work for another county, none of that. Because if you get by with it clearly you're going to do it again,” she said. Sussi ask Sammons if the officers should both be prosecuted.

“Absolutely,” she said.

Sammons said her son suffered several injuries. “He’s got a lot of bruising, you can see the boot print on the side of his face, eyes black. Concussion, deep concussion. He’s still dizzy, and is seeing spots.

“If you could talk with the officer who did it, what would you say to him,” ask Sussi. “I probably shouldn't say that,” said Sammons. “I'm not going to answer that question.

“It wasn't like he was running or swinging at them or anything. He was hand-cuffed on the ground with another cop on his back. You can't justify that.

"Sammons said her son has a job with a concrete contractor, and plans on getting his GED. She said the cuts and bruises will heal. The mental scars she said may not. “Everybody always wonders why all of these kids hate cops,” said Sammons. “When you see stuff like this, that is why. They make it worse."Sussi reports that Foster is home recovering. The family has also hired a lawyer.

Foster’s attorney Joseph Landusky says the video appears to show his client already in handcuffs and facedown on the ground when the officer approaches him.

“He seems to walk nonchalantly and then at the very last second decides to kick his head like a football,” Landusky said.

“From viewing that we can all judge it ourselves but it sure doesn’t look like a proper thing to be doing.”

On Thursday morning, Chief Byron Smith released the following statement:

'My office was advised Tues evening of a police involved vehicle pursuit, during the coarse of the investigation a video surfaced showing possible officer misconduct. The involved officer has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. This department will not tolerate officer misconduct. More details will follow when the investigation concludes.'

A trustee for Franklin Township says the name of the officer is not being released at this time out of concerns for the officer's safety.

This is some utter bull! You wouldn't need to fear for your safety if you were out here doing your job and not taking liberties with people who physically CAN'T harm you! To me, this is a classic case of abusing your power.

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