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Grandson Tells His Grandmother Another Kid 'Ate My Wee Wee,' When She Picks Him Up From PreS

Writer's picture: LoVetta JenkinsLoVetta Jenkins

The outrage one Springfield, Louisiana mother is feeling today is completely understandable! The unidentified mother found out recently that her son was sexually assaulted at his preschool in FEBRUARY! The mother says that she was contacted and made aware of an investigation that was conducted by the Department of Education.

The mother told WBRZ that she was called and told that her child was fondled by another kid. She sent her mother to pick him up from school."Grandma picks him up and he tells grandma that this kid 'ate my wee wee,'" the mother said.

The incident happened on a Friday and the mother made arrangements to speak with the Head Start directors that following Monday morning. When she got to the school she was taken outside to talk by the head teacher and told "another child pulled my son's pants down and the child was performing oral sex on him and there were teeth marks."

The investigative report notes that classroom video indicates the offending child pulled another child's pants down at 10:26 am. Two minutes passed before an adult noticed one of the children on the floor with their pants and underwear pulled down.

"We called licensing first," Executive Director Dr. Susan Spring said. "Because of how they define a critical incident, sometimes you don't know whether to report it to [the Department of Children and Family Services] also. We reported it to licensing."

Spring said the two teachers who were in the classroom at the time were disciplined, but she declined to say what the discipline was, citing personnel matters. She did confirm that both are still employed.

"The teachers were doing their jobs," Spring said. "They are supervising children. It just happened that those two for those few seconds were not in her vision."

When asked about the time lapse, Spring said she couldn't comment on the two minutes no one saw the children because she "hadn't watched the video."

The little boy's mother doesn't think enough has been done. "I want justice for my child," the mother said. "I want to see these teachers dismissed for negligence, lack of supervision. This could happen not to just my child but another child if they are not removed from the school."

As someone who has once worked in Early Childhood Education I can tell you 100% this is NOT normal child behavior. Children ONLY do these types of acts when they have been exposed to sexual behaviors either through molestation or "seeing things" they shouldn't.

We understand that when you're in a classroom there are "blind spots" but you've got to make sure that every child is always visible. The reports say that there were two paid adults and one adult volunteer in the classroom, someone should have seen something!

Do you think the teachers involved need to be fired? What would you do if you were in this situation? Let's talk about it in the comments below.


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