Navy Veteran Found Dead in His Apartment and He'd Been Dead for THREE Years!

Doris Stevens says that she heard from her son at least twice a month no matter where he was. He would call me from Egypt. He would call me from the Philippines. He would call me right from Dallas," she said. Her son, Navy Veteran Ronald White, 51, worked as a defense contractor so she was used to him moving around a lot but, he ALWAYS called his mother. Until three years ago when the calls stopped.
Stevens, who lives in New York, said she became concerned when she couldn't reach him for his birthday in April 2017. Multiple police departments had told her that because he was an adult and known to travel extensively, they could not pursue it as a missing person case. The family didn't have enough money to hire a private investigator so they attempted to look for White on their own.
A search of his previous addresses, including the most recent in Glenn Heights, turned up nothing. He'd simply vanished.
Until last week when White was found dead in an apartment that no one even knew he'd rented.
"All them days, holidays, I just suffered. Because nobody wanted to help find him," Stevens said.
"DeSoto police said the apartment complex was investigating multiple units where it appeared tenants were not using water. Some were rented, but empty. But when they had to force the bolted door open at unit 1320, they found Ronald White dead on the kitchen floor. The medical examiner confirmed he died approximately three years ago."
"When the medical examiner told me three years, my knees gave away. Three years? And that's what I can't get past in my brain. I can't get past three years," Stevens said. "My biggest question is, how in the world could my son have been dead in that apartment and nobody knows anything?"

"What I can tell you is it is very clear when officers entered that he had been there for a while," confirmed Pete Schulte, a detective with the DeSoto Police Department.
DeSoto police said White had a month-to-month lease paid through an automatic withdrawal from an account linked to his Navy retirement. His apartment, on the third floor at the very northwest corner of the complex, is new, well-insulated and all the windows were locked and sealed tight.
Schulte said a downstairs neighbor did complain, approximately two years ago, about a small amount of liquid seeping through her ceiling. But he said maintenance inspected it, moved on once it stopped and didn't enter White's upstairs apartment when no one came to the door.

He also said police investigators found medications for diabetes, dated 2016, inside the apartment. They said his family confirmed to them that White was a diabetic.
"The way he was found, the way the apartment was arranged and so forth, there was zero indication of foul play," said Schulte."
We're pleading with anyone who travels a lot, or even leads a solitary lifestyle, to please check in with SOMEONE regularly. There have been far too many cases of people being found in their homes after being dead for long periods of time. Even if you don't want to speak to your family. Send them a postcard so they at least know your general location.
Now, if your family is toxic and you've cut them off for your mental health, have a friend you trust keep tabs on you. Not everyone deserves to know your location but everyone needs someone to check on them from time to time.
Our prayers are with Mr. White's family.