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"Pooperintendent" Gets Nabbed for Defecating on School Property!

Writer's picture: LoVetta JenkinsLoVetta Jenkins

Yo, this is one of the wildest stories I think I've ever written about. Let me give y'all the back story. A High School in New Jersey had been finding poop on their track field. Some could have speculated that it was from a large dog however, after it kept happening, they decided to set up security camera to catch the offender.

Via NYPost:

"This 'Pooperintendent of Schools' is getting a lot of crap after he was caught in the act.

Police in New Jersey on the hunt for a mystery pooper at Holmdel High School set up surveillance that led them Monday to superintendent Thomas Traglini.

The arrest of the Kenliworth Public Schools superintendent followed weeks of employees finding feces on a “daily basis” near or on the high school football field and track, Holmdel Police said.

Tramaglini, 42, was arrested around 5:50 a.m. on the athletic field, which is about 3 miles from his home, reported.

He was charged with defecating in public, lewdness and littering in connection to the pooping problem.It’s unclear what prompted the official to repeatedly take a dump on school grounds."

The NY Post has referred to Traglini as the "Pooperintendent" and I promise you I hollered out loud with laughter! However, there was one thing that cut my laughter short. According to "Tramaglini has taken a paid leave of absence from his $147,504 a year job in Kenilworth. Leave can only be unpaid if a person is indicted or faces tenure charged, the district said, citing state law."

It must be nice to be able to literally do a sh!tty job and still get paid for it!


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