Say Whaaaat?!?! Man Accused of Being a Peeping Tom!

At this point, I'm beginning to wonder if all of the outrageous stuff only happens in Ohio. From teachers dragging children in school hallways and mom's overdosing in barbershop bathrooms I thought I had seen and heard it all. Until now. . .
"A Niles woman reported that her 12-year-old daughter caught their neighbor standing outside of her bedroom window, making lewd comments. Tuesday morning, officers were called to a house on Camrose Drive, where the suspect was accused of peeping into a window.
The girl’s mother told police that 25-year-old Reginald Wells, VII, was outside of her daughter’s window while she was getting dressed for school.
The girl told police that as she was reaching into her closet for a shirt, she heard Wells say, “Oh sh*t, let me see you t***ies,” according to a police report. The girl said she told Wells that he was “creepy,” at which time Wells repeated the statement. She said she then screamed for her mother, and Wells ran into his house.
Wells is charged with voyeurism and importuning. Tuesday, he entered no plea on the charges, and a preliminary hearing was set for 9:30 a.m. Monday."
This is absolutely disgusting and I hope the he gets the help he needs because he's obviously sick.