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North Carolina Mother Caught on Video Abusing Her Toddler and Screaming "I HATE YOU!"

A 19-year-old Cumberland, North Carolina mother is behind bars today after abusing her son on video!

Cumberland police were contacted by several concerned citizens after they saw a video of a young child, believed to be a boy, being punched and beaten on social media.

It is believed that the same person abusing the child is also the same person hurling obscenities at the little one.

The child's mother, Samaria Teyonna Harris-Saunders, was arrested in connection to the crime.


According to Sheriff Ennis Wright, several concerned citizens contacted law enforcement when they saw the video on social media, which resulted in an investigation and Harris-Saunders' arrest.

The disturbing video shows a toddler, who appears to be a boy, sitting in the front passenger seat of a car in only a diaper. Someone appears to be striking the toddler's stomach.

Someone off screen in the video is shouting, including profanities and "I hate you."

Samaria Teyonna Harris-Saunders was being held in the Cumberland County Detention Center under a $1,000 bond. Her court date has been set for August 11, 2020.

We want charges brought up against the person filming the abuse of this baby too. Charging the mother is just the start. Who sat there and filmed this, streamed it, and didn't report her? They are just as guilty.


Unfortunately we've seen the video and, Harris-Saunders was in the car alone. Holding her phone with her left hand and pummeling her baby with her right hand. Closed fist.

This is something we NEVER want to see again.


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