When Are People Gonna Learn? Another Teacher Arrested for Having Sex with a Student!

When most kids are trying to arrange for math tutoring from their teacher, one 15-year-old by was arranging something else!
Erica Gomez (pictured left),23, was a Student Teacher at Bowie High School in Austin, Texas. Gomez was an assistant, as well as math tutor, who was hired by the school system to aid in their teaching of all things math, NOT the birds and the bees!
Gomez's inappropriate relationship came to light when her counterpart's mother found several of their SnapChat messages to each other. The messages referred to "fun in the back seat" with another reading "Babe. . . We've had car sex twice. . ." The mother, being the maternal detective that most moms are, went to Facebook to look up the woman's profile and realized that it was her son's math tutor!
Via Statesman.com:
"Austin police Child Abuse Unit Detective Brandon Poe said both Gomez and the student admitted to the relationship.
“I did interview her, and there was a confession,” Poe said. “The confession corroborated the information that had been provided by the victim. She also did corroborate that there is no concern for other victims. We have not seen any evidence to support that anybody else was involved in this.”
Gomez, whose Facebook page says she graduated from the University of Texas last year, said she met the student in January but didn’t start having sex with him until August, the report says.
The affidavit says she told police the pair had sex four to five times over the past few months. "
Gomez is being held in the Travis County Jail on the charges of sexual assault of a child and improper relationship between an educator and a student. Both charges are second-degree felonies punishable by two to 20 years in prison and a maximum fine of $10,000. her bail has been set at $75,000 and she has yet to be released. The school district has provided additional counselors for students and they are urging others, who may have been abused, to come forward.
All the thirsty men out here and this woman chose a child? Granted 23 is young but, 15 is TOO young!