He Gon' Learn Today! NY Man Faces Hate Crimes Charge for "Monkey" Tirade Caught on Cam

A 58-year-old New York man is in a bit of hot water after a hate-filled rant was captured on video. Edward Ruggerio was riding a train on Long Island when he claimed 25-year-old Soraya Orelien was talking too loudly. Ruggerio was already in the throes of his argument when another passenger on the train started recording but, what was captured was enough to rub anyone watching the wrong way!
Ruggerio can be heard calling Orelien (who is off camera) a "loud mouthed monkey" and screaming for her to "shut up" at the top of his lungs. When another passenger comes to her defense Ruggerio goes in on them both calling them "twin idiots."
Take a look.
Once the verbal assault came to light, and landed in the hands of the proper authorities, Ruggerio has been charged with third-degree menacing as a hate crime and second-degree aggravated harassment.
Watch Orelien's tearful response to the ordeal below.
What kind of world are we living in where someone feels it's perfectly okay to talk to someone this way? Hopefully this will deter others from exuding this type of behavior in the future.