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Star Trek's Uhura, Nichelle Nichols, Reportedly Suffering from Dementia.

If there was ever a historic icon for Space Nerd girls everywhere, Lieutenant Uhura is it! The first Black female to ever pin down a recurring role on Star Trek, Nichelle Nichols has been the idol of young Trekkies since the day they laid eyes on the Starship Enterprise. Nichols, best known for her beauty, wit and Uhura's awkward love thingy with Captain Kirk, has been a poster girl for the fact that "Black Don't Crack" and all things glam but, now, we're sad to report that she may be experiencing other health setbacks.

Via TMZ:

"Nichelle Nichols -- best known for playing Lieutenant Uhura in "Star Trek" -- is suffering from severe short-term memory loss and needs protection from being taken advantage of ... according to her son.

Nichols' son, Kyle Johnson, filed legal docs Friday nominating 4 fiduciaries to become his 85-year-old mom's conservators -- which would give them control of her finances and decisions related to her health.

According to Johnson, this is necessary because her dementia is "impacting her executive functioning" and makes her "susceptible to undue influence."

He adds ... "Certain individuals have unduly exerted themselves into Ms. Nichols' life to her detriment."Aside from her classic "Star Trek" role, Nichelle's been very active in Hollywood -- she even has 3 projects coming out this year.

As we reported ... she suffered a mild stroke in 2015."

Take a look at Nichols back in her heyday and how she impacted the racial climate in the 1960's.

We'll definitely be keeping her in our prayers!

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