WGN Has Ruined My Life by Cancelling Underground!

What is the world coming to? The Underground WGN Facebook Fan Page dropped a photo last night and totally ruined lives! In the caption of the post they said:
"After two seasons, it's time to say goodbye to #UndergroundWGN. We hope you keep the spirit inspired by these incredible characters & stories alive!"

They didn't say "sorry", "thank you for a funky time", "my bad"! NOTHING! Just "hey, here's a good pic of us. By the way, we're leaving you and never coming back!"
Who does this? WGN that's who. It has been reported that the network was bought by a company called Sinclair for a pretty hefty penny, $3.9 BILLION to be exact. Word on the street is that SInclair didn't want to keep shelling out money for original programming so Underground was the first original show to go! Man, bye! If you can buy a station for $3.9 BILLION DOLLARS, you can afford to keep an excellent show like Underground on the air!
I guess now we'll just have to settle for watching reruns and listening to old recaps! Post your condolences in the comments below! Let's mourn this giant together!