Texas Cop AND His Wife Arrested for Sex Acts with a Minor!

Listen, we say it all the time, demons come in all colors, professions and walks of life!
A married Texas couple have been arrested after, reports say, they engaged in a sexual act with a minor. Samuel Tejeda and his wife Ashley Tejeda turned themselves in to the Williamson County Jail earlier this morning, February 3, after they were accused by the minor of performing a sexual act with her.
The allegations came to the attention of the Georgetown Police Department, where Samuel Tejeda has been on the force since 2018, on January 26. On January 29 a search warrant was issued for the couple's residence and, by the looks of it, enough evidence was found to warrant their arrest.
On Tuesday, Feb. 2, arrest warrants were obtained charging Officer Tejeda with two counts of sexual performance by a child.
The alleged criminal conduct did not occur while Officer Tejeda was on duty or while he was serving in an official capacity, Georgetown police say.
The victim was known by Officer Tejeda in a personal capacity and not as a result of his duties as a Georgetown Police Officer but, it is not said how he knows her.
Sealed reports will not reveal what "behaviors" the couple engaged in with the 17-year-old victim.
These people are sick!