California Man Forces His Ex to Take Pills to Miscarry or He'd Kill Her.

A California man is being held behind bars after forcing his ex-girlfriend to take pills to miscarry their baby. Reports say that on December 10 Jagmeet Sandhu, 23, snuck into his ex's apartment while she slept, put a gun to her head, woke her up and told her "take these or I'll kill you". The unidentified victim says that Sandhu, entered her apartment using a key he'd failed to return, gave her 11 white pills and she did take them out of fear for her life.
The pair had broken up about three weeks earlier when the victim told Sandhu that she was pregnant. She said that she wanted to keep the baby and Sandhu was adamant that she terminate the pregnancy.
After taking all of the pills the woman said she became almost violently ill and Sandhu fled her apartment. She later went to an area hospital where doctors informed her that her "fetus was dead" presumably from the pills Sandhu forced her to take.

The woman was confirmed to have been 12 weeks pregnant at the time of the miscarriage according to police and hospital records.
Sandhu was arrested a short time later.
Sandhu, 23, has pleaded not guilty to assault with a firearm on a person, spousal abuse, burglary and making threats. He’s held on $1 million bail and is next due in court Jan. 30.
We're wondering how long he waited for her to get sick and if she tried to make herself vomit the pills after he left. Ladies, please be mindful of the men you align yourself with. PLEASE practice safer sex every time!