DNA Test Confirms Remains Found in Alabama are Those of Taylor Rose Williams.

After days and days of waiting the public finally knows the fate of missing 5-year-old Taylor Rose Williams.
An Amber Alert was issued for Taylor after her mother reported her missing on November 6th. Taylor's mother, Brianna Williams, 27, said that she woke up that morning and couldn't find Taylor anywhere in their home and their back door was unlocked.
The family's neighbors refuted that story saying that they'd NEVER seen a child at that address. A pair of movers said that when they relocated Ms. Williams to that home they didn't see, or hear, a child the entire time and that her former apartment didn't "look like a child lived there".
Williams is a petty officer in the Naval Air Force and Taylor had attended a childcare center on base. A parent of another student says that the last time Taylor was seen was in June.
Needless to say, Williams was always a person of interest in the disappearance of her daughter.

On November 12th the Jacksonville Police Department made the announcement that they'd found human remains, believed to be those of Taylor Williams, and planned to arrest her mother. Before she could be apprehended Williams took a toxic substance in a failed suicide attempt.
She was hospitalized until she was well enough to be detained.
Authorities confirmed today that the remains found in Alabama on November 12th are indeed those of Taylor Williams but have not released her cause of death.
Her mother remains behind bars on charges of child neglect and giving false information to law enforcement. Those charges, as of this moment, have not been upgraded.
Our prayers are with Taylor's family members and those who loved her.