Play or Pass: Jussie Smollett Releases His New Single "Freedom"! [LISTEN]

If you're a fan of the show "Empire" then you're familiar with the vocal abilities of Jussie Smollett. He's an acquired taste on the vocal side but he's definitely a talented artist. He recently dropped his new single "Freedom" at the feet of adoring fans. It's a song of relationship angst and forbidden love with lyrics like:
"Standing on the edge, got nothing left, I dive off, I dive off it with you
And I really don't care, what nobody's saying
I dive off it, I dive of it with you.
You see my scars and you know all my faults
It's like freedom. Freedom."
Take a listen and tell me if you're feeling the track or if you're going to pass on "Freedom".
"Freedom" is available for digital download here.